Consuming Magic Mushrooms 

Written by: KEELY DYER

Consuming magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, can be a deeply transformative experience but it is important to approach their consumption with caution to minimize the risk of adverse effects. Here are some helpful guidelines to consume magic mushrooms in a way that reduces the likelihood of feeling ill.


Choose the right species and quality: Ensure you are consuming the correct species of mushrooms that contain psilocybin, as many look-alike species may be toxic. Purchase mushrooms from a trusted source to ensure their quality and potency. 

Start with a low dose: Begin with a low dosage, especially if you are a beginner or have a low tolerance. This allows you to gauge your sensitivity to psilocybin and reduces the risk of overwhelming experiences or discomfort. Gradually increase the dosage in subsequent sessions as you become more familiar with its effects. 


Brewing tea: This method can help reduce nausea, as the tea is gentler on the stomach. Making mushroom tea involves simmering the mushrooms in 195-degree water for around 15-20 minutes, then straining and consuming the liquid after letting it cool to your desired temp. Make sure the tea turns an amber color. If the water has a blue tinge, the compounds haven’t been correctly extracted, probably due to the temperature being too low while simmering or not simmering long enough. 

Chewing and swallowing: One of the simplest methods is to chew and swallow the mushrooms. However, the taste can be quite strong and “earthy” and can lead to an upset stomach or purging. Chewing the mushrooms thoroughly can aid in digestion and the release of psilocybin. 

Capsules or micro-dosing: Another option is to grind the mushrooms into a powder and encapsulate them or consume small, measured amounts for micro-dosing purposes. This method can provide more precise dosage control and reduce the likelihood of nausea. 

Consider fasting or light meals: Some individuals find that consuming magic mushrooms on an empty stomach or after a light meal can help reduce the chances of feeling nauseous. Avoid consuming heavy or fatty foods before your session, as they may slow down the absorption of psilocybin. 


Create a comfortable and safe environment: Ensure you are in a calm and comfortable environment that is familiar and free from potential stressors. Set and setting play a crucial role in shaping the experience, and a relaxed atmosphere can contribute to a more positive journey. Deeply consider the people you will be around and even the music that will play. 

Stay hydrated: Drink water before, during, and after consuming magic mushrooms to stay hydrated. 

Manage expectations and mindset: Approach the experience with a positive and open mindset. Set clear intentions and be prepared for introspection and potential emotional shifts. Embrace the journey as a transformative and potentially challenging experience, allowing yourself to surrender to the process. 

Consider a trip sitter: Having a trusted friend or experienced trip sitter present during your journey can provide reassurance, support, and guidance, particularly if it is your first time consuming magic mushrooms. 

Integration: The process of reflecting upon, assimilating, and applying the insights gained from a psychedelic journey into one's everyday life. Listen to your inner self. Go over your lessons with curiosity, love and grace. 

It is important to note that individual responses to psilocybin may vary. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns, it is wise to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming them. Always prioritize your well-being by following responsible and informed practices when engaging with psychedelic substances.


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