Microdosing: Shrooms With Benefits


Tradition is a funny thing. You can do something for years and years until it’s just second nature, until one year you miss it, and it’s no longer a tradition at all but a memory. As a child I can recall spending every Cinco de Mayo with my grandmother making homemade tamales. Sadly, since her passing in 2014, the traditions we had have fallen by the wayside. This year surrounded by old and new friends, I think I may have started a new tradition; taking psychedelics, eating pot brownies, and drinking good local beer at a cabin in the woods. 

The psychedelics I took were technically micro-doses, two 100mg capsules. As opposed to taking enough mushrooms to go to middle earth, micro-dosing consists of taking small, sub-perceptible amounts of a psychedelic substance. In this case, capsulized mushrooms grown and packaged by Schedule35. Their micro-dose products are locally sourced and organically grown using grain substrate and coconut coir in sunny California.

Magic mushrooms contain a psychedelic drug called psilocybin. The generally agreed upon purpose of micro-dosing psilocybin is to increase focus, clarity, creativity, and empathy in their daily lives. It’s been reported to treat depression and anxiety and there have been significant studies proving it’s positive long term effects on the brain. For example, in 2021, a psilocybin depression study done by the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London, found that it worked faster and more effectively than the prescription antidepressant Lexapro. Not unlike prescription antidepressants, magic mushrooms stimulate serotonin. They help build and strengthen neural pathways that open your mind to greater potential. 

No matter your reasons for taking psilocybin, it’s important to understand what micro-dosing actually is and how to do it safely. One micro-dose is anywhere from 50mg-250mg. This dosage is different from a recreational dose as users are able to function without feeling like the fridge is melting. If you’re still unsure what a single dose might look and feel like don’t worry, the people at Schedule35 laid it out for us. 

A guide to recreational dosing:

Half dose – 500mg to 1g 
This will deliver a subtle but noticeable level of body high and giddiness. Those with lower tolerances may start to have visual experiences.

Full dose – 1g to 2g 
This should embark you on a full-on trip. With this dosage you’ll have the body high and may begin to see visual anomalies (think objects swaying and fractal patterns) along with other sensory amplifications.

Deep dose – 2g to 3g 
This is entering serious dose territory. You may experience a heightened sense of “oneness” with the natural elements and people around you, and powerful visual and auditory hallucinations. You might also receive new, unfamiliar patterns of thought.

Heroic dose – 3g+ 
Anything beyond 3 grams could be considered a “heroic” dose. A dose this strong should be taken under supervision, with preparation, and in the pursuit of an intentional goal. Doses this strong are for experienced users.

Although currently psilocybin is considered a Schedule I drug (said to have “no currently accepted medical use”), researchers in recent years have called for a change in the classification to a Schedule IV (drugs with low potential for abuse or dependence). Until that time, remember that commercialization is not decriminalization.





Consuming Magic Mushrooms 


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