ALERT: Utah Legislature Breaking Law to Kill Prop 2


Two sitting Utah Senators tell the Utah Bee that the Utah Senate plans to hold a conference call at 2 p.m. today to discuss how to defeat Proposition 2. Both say the action violates Utah’s open meetings laws.

One Senator said, “Look, this is easy. A handful of powerbrokers schemed up something in private, and want to act like it is something more than that, so they can confuse voters. That’s all this is. It is October, two weeks before ballots are mailed out. Senators read yesterday morning that Speaker of the Utah House of Representatives Greg Hughes is trying to call his secret talks a compromise, and they erupted. Now, apparently, we are going to break the law, to backfill for Hughes’s charade. Hopefully, the Senate will respect democracy more than that and end this charade. Let the voters vote.”

The Senator continued, “No one has any idea what was talked about or what was agreed to behind closed doors. The Senate better not let Hughes do to us what he did to UTA.”

When asked to clarify the last part, the Senator said that he was referring to the scandals that plagued the UTA when Speaker Hughes was chairman of the board for the Utah Transit Authority.When the quote was later read back to the Senator, the Senator said it was accurate and could be used by the Utah Bee verbatim or not at all.

The Utah Bee is working to determine whether the Utah House of Representatives also is meeting.

Read more coverage on Prop 2 by the Utah Bee here, here, herehere, here, here and here.

The Utah Bee seeks to share both sides of a debate. If anyone who opposes Proposition 2 wants to submit a piece with their views, we will gladly accept it. 


ALERT 2: Utah Leg Scrambling (again) re: Prop 2


Dear Martha: I'm ill