ALERT 2: Utah Leg Scrambling (again) re: Prop 2


The Utah Bee reported this morning that the Utah Legislature was planning to break Utah’s Open Meetings Law, by holding a conference call with all Senators at 2 p.m., in order to kill Proposition 2 (Medical Cannabis). Possibly as a response to that story, inside sources have told the Utah Bee that Senate President Wayne Neiderhauser now plans to hold talks today with Republican Senators and, then, separately, with Senate Democrats, believing that breaking the secret meeting into two secret meetings would technically meet an exception to the open meetings law.

The meeting with Republicans will not be open to the public or patients. The Utah Bee does not know whether Senate Democrats have agreed to meet with President Neiderhauser in private to discuss Proposition 2.

The Utah Bee also has learned that many Utah patients and the sponsors of Initiative 2 are challenging the leaders of Libertas, a libertarian think tank that purported to represent patients in talks with Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes and the lobbyist for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Marty Stephens.

This story is developing.

Read more coverage on Prop 2 by the Utah Bee here, here, herehere, here, here,here and here.

The Utah Bee seeks to share both sides of a debate. If anyone who opposes Proposition 2 wants to submit a piece with their views, we will gladly accept it. 


Patriarchal Affinity: trust me


ALERT: Utah Legislature Breaking Law to Kill Prop 2