Pencil Me In
With the bombardment of tasks and to-do’s re-emerging as people begin to once again overschedule their lives, many adults have returned to daily/weekly planners, not unlike the ones we would pick up during middle school registration. From ovulation calendars, work planners, family schedules, personal development tracking, dieting journals -- you name an area of your life where you need focus, a planner exists.
While plenty of folks keep their schedules digital, physical planners exist for every realm of our lives, organizing and compartmentalizing everything we need to do. And they still come in various sizes and styles -- everything from cutesy to creepy and everything in between, but these just happen to be regarding tracking one's sexual habits.
But is scheduling sexy-time something that will soon be as common-place as scheduled book club night or Costco runs? Fictional television couples have long had running gags regarding their “special day/time,” but keeping a consistent, specific day/time can create fantastic opportunities for you and your partner(s) to ensure your focus is on one another solely and not stressing about whether you already dropped off the dry-cleaning or if you just intended to.
Tracking sex isn’t new. Many women have done so in some form for years, keeping close track of menstrual or ovulation dates and data. Actress Kate Hudson, amongst others, tracks sex as exercise, and utilizing smartwatches can help one learn much about their activity level and overall energy expenditure, be able to broach any specific concerns with a medical professional, and communicate with one’s partner for sex syncing. Journaling specifically for sexual activities can be a great option to help recognize your partners and your own potential patterns, giving you an opportunity to prioritize sexual wellness and live your best life, one full of sexual integrity.