Owning My New Passion


Three days ago I attended a psilocybin ceremony with my intention focused on my writing, asking for guidance and clarity. I put my headphones on, cued up my ayahuasca ceremony playlist, and completely let go. The beautiful and terrifying answer that I received from the medicine that night was this: I was not only worthy to write about plant medicine, but I have been called. And that’s where I said WTF? 

No calling for me, thank you! I have long maintained that doing church service work as a youth and holding church callings completely wrecked me for any other volunteer work for life. 

I’ve rarely volunteered for anything since then, and love not having that responsibility. But for me to deny that I have already known in my heart for weeks that I was called to plant medicine would be a big fat lie—I have specific instance after instance and verified proof that it’s benefited my life, and I have found a-whole-‘nother level of spirituality that I never thought in a million years could happen for someone like me. I am a true believer, and I want people to know about and have access to this beautiful miracle. 

Have I gone full hippie/weirdo/extremist mode? Have I jumped from one religion to another? Perhaps. However, if healing my trauma and rediscovering love for myself and others is wrong, I don’t want to be right. A testimony is a powerful and sacred thing, but the actual proof  is in the dozens of studies coming out about the benefits of psilocybin every single day, everywhere. People are healing through the responsible use of plant medicine and I am one of them! Mushrooms are doing outstanding things for depression and therapy right now— go here, here, here, and here to see why they are such a big freaking deal. 

To truly understand psychedelics and plant medicine, read “How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence” by Michael Pollan. The author takes a deep dive into the infamous stigma surrounding psychedelic drugs, the hippie counterculture and the unpredictable and erratic history of their 60’s heyday. 

What I loved about the book is learning the actual and factual history of psychedelics. Did you know that the psychedelic studies in the 60’s were shut-down because of power, money, and old-schools politics? It’s one of the oldest stories in the world. Did you know big pharma has been spinning lies and misconceptions about plant medicine for years?. The success of plant medicine is extremely bad for billion-dollar pharmaceutical drug companies, and mushrooms are the current cocks of the psychedelic walk. 

Did you also know that mushrooms are completely non-addictive and 100% natural? What about the fact that psychedelic mushrooms and LSD are amongst the safest psychedelic drugs? You probably didn’t know these things, but I’m sure you HAVE heard about people on hallucinogens jumping about of sky rises, thinking they could fly…….right? The psychedelic renaissance is upon us in all of its kaleidoscopic glory, and this is it’s chance to prove the past and current narrative damaging and wrong. 

I woke up this morning still stuck and hating my life. My husband asked me to ride with him to the dump, I felt it was a perfect metaphor for my life. Let’s GOOOOOOO!

I have had some success with Plant Medicine Pioneer, which meant it was time to self-sabotage, since that has been my life-time, go-to signature move. Twenty minutes into the drive I had a realization so great that I exclaimed “HOLY SHIT” out loud. Suddenly, I could not only see this harmful habit, but I could identify it! And now that I could articulate it, I could fix it. All it took was 51 years of doing it the hard way and plant medicine finally translating my feelings. 

Turning people on to plant medicine has been one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. I’m blessed to love and be loved beyond measure, and plant medicine has repeatedly reminded me that this calling is mine. My mushroom experience has been concrete personal proof that psilocybin unlocks creativity and energy, and is wonderful for artists and scholars alike. When done safely, there is no downside! I can’t wait to write with psilocybin and explore the possibilities. 


Trying Psychedelics


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