If you have ever experienced sexual attraction of any kind or form, you would be considered an allosexual (or fall under the allosexual umbrella.) Also known as being someone experiencing sexual attraction, allosexual is simply a term regarding a specific type of experience. That’s it. No other qualifiers, just the actual experience rather than the players within that experience, a direct opposition to the term, asexual.
Terminology matters. Being able to give name to something helps us develop a framework in which to operate within that existence. The pain an individual can feel because they have no vocabulary to define or explain themselves or some aspect of their being is isolating and can cause long-lasting mental distress.
Public discourse has always either been centered on what can and cannot be spoken amongst the general populace. Even into 2021, America’s Puratanical roots have guided many a hypocritical doctrinal, “Do as we say, not as we do,” mentality -- with a prudish need to keep any sexual thoughts, words, deeds, actions, knowledge, etc., hidden away.
Pretending something does not exist does not make it disappear. If anything, the continued embarrassment that many parents and other adults face when facing the sex talk with children and teens, does more harm than good, with many youths continuing to receive the majority of their sex ed as generations past -- misinformation from poorly vetted sources (mostly peers) and worse, spending their lives veritably numb to any sort of internet sexual shock, having been raised on the cult of Kardashian and on-demand pornography.
As difficult as it can be to have challenging conversations with one’s kids, it’s better than leaving them ignorant. Too many adults make it decades into life before they start learning about their own bodies, sexuality, sexual boundaries, sexual desires -- not to mention terms, terminology, various cultures within sexuality-driven lifestyles, etc. Learning, developing, and continually enhancing one’s knowledge regarding what is considered by the vast majority of religions to be holy and sacred, sexuality, should be -- and is -- a lifelong learning praxis.