Here Comes the New Year


I'm not a night owl. For years New Year's Eve was a holiday to be dreaded. But one year I owned up to who I was and claimed the holiday for myself. On New Year's Eve almost two decades ago, I kissed my children as they went to bed, made myself a hot wassail, put on my pajamas at a reasonable time and climbed into bed.

By nature I'm an early riser. So the next morning, on January 1, before sunrise, I woke. I bundled myself in warm clothing. I woke my husband and children. I helped bundle the kids in warm gear and we climbed into the car.

I took the family to a peak that overlooks our city. As the dawn began to break we hiked a short distance to grab a better view. And huddling together under blankets for warmth, we watched the sunrise and greeted the new year. We talked about our peaks and valleys of the passing year and each claimed goals for the upcoming year. What a difference!

My young family kept up that tradition for more than fifteen years. It is my preferred way to greet a new year. A good nights' sleep, eager, thoughtful, and surrounded by those I love.

This week, as we march toward 2019, the Utah Bee will be focused on New Year's Resolutions. Join us.

And if you missed them, here are some articles from the Bee this week:

Getting more involved in your community

Some practical tips to making the new cannabis law work for patients

How Martha suggest you deal with holidays and politics and

Feeling empathy

Have a safe and happy holiday! 


Merry Christmas!


Observations: Sides of Tables