Your Voice Matters


Our form of government allows each of us to have a voice and participate as much or as little as we choose. We elect our neighbors to represent us on all levels of government so that we can go about our daily lives while someone else worries about the details.

In our current political climate, many people are wanting to be more hands-on with regard to politics but many do not know where to begin. This is a list of ideas that can get you moving in the right direction:

  1. Vote!

  2. Volunteer.

  3. Connect with a legislator now, before the legislative session begins.

  4. Connect with your legislator during the session.

  5. Participate.

  6. Engage in civil political conversations with those of varied political views.

  7. Be open to new political ideas.

Our form of government works when we each take the time to do what we can. Determine what you can do now and then take steps to do those things.


Can You Hear Me? 


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