Cannabis Advocacy? Yes. Protecting Our Youth? Also Yes.
We can advocate for cannabis use and also protect our youth.
My Personal Exploration of Cannabis for Pain Relief
Learning about life through cannabis pain relief, an exploration in body, mind, and spirit.
Upcoming Utah Cann Event: Focus on Art & Music
Utah Cann will hold its 4th event in Sandy, Utah this year, with a focus on art, music, and cannabis.
Attitudes On Cannabis Changing In America
Americans are changing their minds about cannabis. Studies show they believe cannabis is less addictive and less harmful than cigarettes or alcohol, or even technology.
Cooking with Cannabis
How to bake medical cannabis to prepare for use in other baked goods.
Medical Cannabis Policy Advisory Board Formed in Utah
Medical Cannabis Advisory Board formed in Utah
Cannabis and Racism
Are our current laws around cannabis tied to racism? Can we move forward with scientific reasoning rather than prejudice?