Social or Solo Smoker?


For many folks, their first experience partaking in cannabis is at a random party or in your best friend’s older brother’s basement. It’s kind of like a right of passage.

But whether or not you had a great first experience with cannabis, that’s totally OK! People’s ability to enjoy cannabis can largely depend on the environment they are in (and the strain, but that’s a whole other article).

I hear horror stories of people saying they’ve sworn off cannabis after smoking in a social or public setting and becoming very anxious. And hey, I get it, I’ve been there. But my advice to the people who get anxious when they use cannabis in a group is to try becoming a solo-smoker (or any modality you choose).

It may seem like cannabis could be a tool for socially anxious people to feel less anxious (and it totally CAN be) but oftentimes it can make social anxiety much worse.

After learning this lesson the hard way and making the mistake of using cannabis at parties more times than I would like to admit, I adopted the solo-smoker mentality and it changed everything.

I’ve talked with a few people who also prefer to only use cannabis alone, and the consensus seems to be that it is a totally new experience. Instead of getting high and focusing on what everyone around you might be thinking or trying to have conversations over noise, you instead get to curl up under a blanket and totally relax. Your mind can be at ease.

And, when you’re by yourself you can really set your own mood and make your environment the perfect vibe for yourself. Do you like watching funny movies? Binge watch Netflix. Enjoy calming music? Spin the records. Want to finally get that evasive two-hour nap? Have at it.

The options are endless when you remove the pressure of communicating with others while you are high.

And you discover you actually do enjoy cannabis outside of social and public settings, here are some tips to make it great every time.

First, set the mood. Have your favorite sesh spot. Add some dimmable or twinkly lights (steer clear of those invasive overhead lights). Music is another great way to set the mood, put on your favorite artist and prepare to chill.

And before you begin chilling, make sure all of your responsibilities for the day are wrapped up. That way nothing (and no one) can invade your peace while you’re high.


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