Sexual Hygiene

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Sexual health is always relevant and important to discuss. There are routines and practices that are important to maintain in order to keep healthy, even in monogamous relationships. This list is useful, but not comprehensive. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your needs and concerns.

Post-Coital Pee

Prevent UTIs and other infections by peeing before, perhaps during, and immediately after sex. This is especially important for women because they have shorter urethras than men, which makes them very susceptible to UTIs. Drinking water is ideal to flush out the naturally occurring bacteria made from our bodies. If you are prone to UTIs consult your doctor to rule out any other health causes.  

Self-Cleaning Oven

Douching is a thing of the past! Douching can actually push unwanted bacteria farther up the vagina, giving it more time to cause problems. Not only that, but you may be exposing your body to chemicals through douching. Recent studies show that douching can increase your risk for STIs, cervical cancer, and HIV. The best thing to do is to shower or wash after sex and let the vagina do its job; vaginas are naturally self-cleaning through discharge. 

Sanitizing Toys

Who doesn’t love a good vibrator? Vibrators and other toys are wonderful companions, just make sure you clean them before/after each use to prevent infections or irritations. Check out this gentle but effective toy cleaner that even works on skin and silicone to prevent bacteria and virus build up.

Anal Sex No-no’s

Never engage in anal sex and then immediately proceed to oral or vaginal sex. This is a sure way to fast track a problem, especially for vaginas. You may decide that anal is the only act performed during sex or the last act performed. If you are really into mixing it up, wash with soap and water frequently or opt for using a clean toy instead. Lube up, keep it easy, and to avoid the potential (inevitable?) mess by trying anal in the shower! Regardless, always shower after anal sex and change the sheets too. If you have many partners, using condoms is imperative. 

Visit the dermatologist 

Skin is our body’s largest organ and physical defense barrier against the world. Keeping it healthy by getting a few minutes of sunshine every day, eating right, staying hydrated, and exercising is the baseline. Check with your insurance provider to determine if you need a referral first and then schedule a visit to the dermatologist to keep up on your sexual health. Dermatologists can identify and address serious skin conditions and also provide some remedies for cosmetic conditions.

Your sexual health matters. Take the time to make sure you are practicing safe habits. Get checked for STDs and STIs often, don’t put your partner(s)’s or your own health at risk. When you catch an infection early it typically is treatable or manageable, waiting can make the condition permanent and cause more health conditions down the line. Make sexual health checkups a regular routine (along with your regular annual) and please consult your primary care provider for any health concerns or questions. 


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