Improving Neuroplasticity with Psychedelics


Improved neuroplasticity is one of many outcomes that we come across when taking psychedelics. But what is neuroplasticity and why is it important? According to the ‘Frontiers in Psychiatry’, neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change throughout life and consists of cell structure, structural plasticity, and changes in the efficacy of synaptic transmission, also called functional plasticity. Now that there are a lot of big scienc-y terms mentioned, let's break this down. 

All of the cell pathways in our brain are constantly changing and evolving as we grow and learn. If we continue to learn, read, and challenge ourselves, we can strengthen our neuroplasticity. Solving problems and being open minded is also a huge contributor to neuroplasticity and that is why psychedelic experiences are important.

When we have a dilemma or would like to change our perspective on situations, psychedelics are a good way to open our minds to other possibilities. Psilocybin, LSD, DMT and ayahuasca are all hallucinogens that bring this into fruition. But we can also get stuck in our patterns and ways where we aren’t looking at the bigger picture in life. I myself get stuck stressing about the little things when I forget that I have a lot to be grateful for in this life. I usually come back to my senses after a microdose or full experience with psilocybin. 

When you are having a psychedelic experience, in your cell pathways, they are branching out to make new connections, more dendrite spines are created in each cell improving strength and connection. The synapse of the cell is related to memory and learning formation and synaptic plasticity can also be improved with psychedelics if and when they are used properly and not abused. 

So when we experience aha moments, have major breakthroughs, or have sudden waves of gratitude for everything we have, it’s because our neuroplasticity is being improved. The biggest thing we want to remember is integration in our daily lives with these experiences and what we learn. Having a psychedelic experience involves taking what we learned and applying it for the betterment of our lives and our happiness. 

Remember to write down things that stuck out to you during an experience so you can reflect on it after your experience. Let things come to you and let yourself go with the flow of emotion and realizations. After reflecting, find ways to apply this to your daily life such as meditation, healthy coping strategies, routines and habits. Having a spiritual reconnection through nature walks, creative outlets, and similar activities can promote integration of important realizations from our experiences. In return, you are getting the full psychedelic experiences and building yourself up spiritually and helping boost mental health. 



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