Bad Trippin’

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Humans have used substance to alter our state of being since the beginning of time. Attitudes toward such practices haved varied and law subsquetly have, too.  Prohibition of drugs has not deterred indiviuals from experimenting. Drugs can make you feel amazing as well as take you the the darkest corners of your mind. A point of concern often mentioned as a reason behind most individuals hesitencny and fear is experincing a bad trip. 

In an article by the digital publication MEL, the writer Ian Lecklitner covers some tips for recovery after a bad trip. Just like with many things in life being educated and having a mentor yields the most successful outcome in any situation. 

This insightful article covers how to come back to reality after a hellacious journey with stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens. 

The key take away was expressed by Amanda Schendel, founder and CEO of The Buena Vida Psilocybin Retreats, since it can take “weeks, months or even years to fully unpack and understand all of the lessons and messages received during the trip.” journaling is a useful tool. 

But also she prompts us by posing this...

“Ask yourself if you genuinely, 100-percent had a bad trip, or if it was just challenging and difficult,” Schendel suggests. “Many times these bad feelings come from our inability to surrender to what is. Like many other aspects of life, when we’re brave enough to accept and face these challenging moments, they can show us that we had nothing to fear in the first place.”

Fear is useful emotion it keeps us safe as humans. But sometimes the trumas of our lives ladden us with unhealth coping mechanism; substance use can trigger these feels to surfice. Often in a flood that can be difficult to manage if not adequately prepared. It’s important to have  reliable support and proper prepwork.


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