An Initiative to Protect Initiatives


Passing Propositions 2, 3, and 4, Utah voters spoke loudly. Utah legislators don’t care. Utah voters can stop that anti-democratic reaction. Utahns should consider an initiative that forces Utah Government to respect democracy and the will of the People.

Utah voters passed Prop 2, to provide medical cannabis to patients. Governor Herbert and the Utah legislature are planning a special legislative session to undo that vote.

Utah voters passed Prop 3, to expand Medicaid coverage to more Utahns. Sen. Jacob Anderegg has said he will undo that vote.

It remains to be seen what the Utah Legislature will do with the most direct challenge to its autonomy, Prop 3, which creates a redistricting committee to prevent gerrymandering.

Clearly, Utah Government misunderstands its role. Utah Government works for the People, not the other way around. Utah Government takes its direction from the People, not the other way around.

The People might need to take action to check Utah Government’s current misunderstanding of democracy. One would think that passing 3-out-of-3 initiatives might send Utah Government the message that it needs to check its alignment with Utah citizens. Clearly, it did not.

Like Arizona voters did after their Legislature undid the will of the People regarding medical marijuana, Utah voters might need to pass a Voter Protection Act to ensure that their will is followed, rather than undone.

In 1996, Arizona passed Proposition 200, legalizing medical cannabis. A few months later, the Arizona Legislature repealed the People’s law. The People of Arizona did not appreciate that.

In 1998, Arizona voters passed a constitutional amendment—the Voter Protection Act—that prevents the Arizona Legislature from unraveling initiative-passed laws. Then, they re-passed medical marijuana, and the Voter Protection Act protected that outcome.

Does Utah require a Voter Protection Act to protect the will of the People as expressed by citizen initiatives? Governor, Legislators: you will answer that question with your actions.


Pedogamy: "Sealing Girls to Old Men"


Prop 2 and Filthy, Dirty Politics