Why I am Voting Against Prop 3


With many propositions on the ballot in November, it can be overwhelming to decide how to vote on lengthy and confusing ballot measures. Below, I’ve outlined why I am voting against Prop3, which aims to expand state Medicaid coverage to more people in Utah.

  1. I don’t take tax increases lightly.

If I am going to give the government more of my hard-earned money, I want to make sure it is the right solution for a problem. From my experience, working for both state and federal government entities, the absolute worst way to attempt to solve a problem is to take money from taxpayers and have the government try to fix it. Government offices are terribly inefficient and growing them only contributes to and creates more problems.

2. I don’t think that Medicaid expansion should be the state’s top priority.

Money that is put toward any new expansion of government will take money away from other state-run programs, like education. I worry that if Prop 3 passes, it will be at the expense of other important priorities that our local government should focus on. I believe that well-run charities and churches provide better support in this area than government entities.

3. I don’t believe that government takeover of healthcare actually helps people in need.

Government meddling in markets is proven to raise prices, reduce quality of care, and worsen the economy. One of the main concerns from critics about the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is that it would cheapen the overall quality of care. Personally, I’ve seen that many of the changes made by Obamacare actually made people more dependent on government, or their parent’s health care, and increased the likelihood of companies providing insurance to be the high deductible model.

People who need health care need better jobs. If our economy tanks, they won’t be able to get out of poverty and provide themselves and their families with basic needs.

Read why another Utah Bee contributor is voting FOR Prop 3. 


Dear Martha: too many costumes


I'm Voting FOR Prop 3