Why I’ll be voting for Republicans this November


In the era of fake news and divisive party politics, it can be difficult to understand why anyone wants to subscribe to a specific political party. I don’t believe anyone should blindly vote or support a politician because of their party. Yet, the foundational principles of conservativism are truly what I believe. That’s why I pay attention to who I’m voting for.

This November, I’m going to be voting for the conservative Republicans who align with my political beliefs for the following reasons:

1) I don’t believe the government has or should have power over my day-to-day life

One of the foundational principles of conservatism is personal freedom. I have absolutely no interest in putting my trust in a fallible institution or believing that one will be able to make great change. But, I do believe that great people can. From working in the United States House of Representatives, and for the Governor of the third largest state, I have firsthand experience that solidified my belief that, while government has some essential duties and can do some good, it is best for the people to influence their communities themselves. I don’t believe that any mayors, governors, members of congress, government agency, or President has any power to impact my daily life. I believe that applies to every American.

I am so proud to be an American and believe that every person has the right to live the way they want to live. That’s why I vote for Republicans who believe the same thing.

2) I am adamantly pro-life

I believe that abortion is wrong. Women have many options available before considering such a drastic measure and ending an unwanted pregnancy. However, I am most concerned that my tax dollars are used to support something that I so adamantly oppose.

I believe that every American has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That’s why I vote for pro-life Republicans.

3) I like to keep my hard-earned money

I will never forget my shock at how much of my money was taken from my first paystub out of college. I was working in Congress and became even more motivated to cut taxes and give people the choice of how they want to spend their money. I believe that communities, charities, and churches do a much better job of providing essential services to the people

That’s why I vote for fiscally conservative candidates.

No matter who you’re voting for on November 6th, make sure that you are open to hearing from other people in your life about why they believe what they believe. That’s the amazing thing about living in America; we are all free to decide how we vote and influence who represents us best.

Read why another Utah Bee contributor is supporting democrats this November. 


Woman's Suffrage and Seraph Cedenia Young


Why I’ll be voting for Democrats this November