Spotlight: Youth Champions Charity



Chris recognized early in his childhood that he was different. By junior high, he was also ostracized and depressed. In high school, his mental illness sent him into a downward spiral that included three attempts to take his own life. His parents, desperate to help, enrolled Chris in a treatment program. But it took longer than expected for Chris to finally turn a corner. Chris and his family would never have been able to afford the end of Chris’ treatment without a scholarship from Youth Champions Charity. Because of this scholarship, Chris was able to finish his treatment and now participates in races to raise money for others like him.

The statistics around mental illness and suicide paint a sobering picture. Mental disorders in children are on the rise, affecting 20% of American children. Each year, on average, brings more than 40,000 suicides and over a million suicide attempts in the US. Too many of these come from the youth; suicide is the second-highest cause of death for those in the age range of 10–24. And no one can quantify the pain that entire families endure when one of their members is suffering with a mental illness or crisis. Youth Champions Charity understands how urgently young people in these situations need treatment.

Unfortunately, many families can’t afford to pay the full costs of treatment programs, which often run at $200–$600 or more per day. Scholarships from Youth Champions Charity give youth access to lifesaving treatment facilities, education, and/or amateur athletic programs that can help participants develop strong moral character and increase their physical, mental, and emotional strength.

Funding for Youth Champions Charity comes from several avenues. For instance, an annual event called The Art of Healing includes a charity dinner and art exhibition. All proceeds go to Youth Champions Charity, and the art itself can be a source of comfort for those with mental or emotional struggles. In addition to events, previous benefactors of Youth Champions Charity often try to give back. Chris, for instance, has chosen to enter a triathlon and dedicate his performance (and any money raised through donations) to Youth Champions Charity.

Because of the many programs and causes supported by Youth Champions Charity, those interested in donating to the organization have many ways to make a difference. Besides general donations, friends of the charity have the option of donating specifically toward Youth Champions Charity’s funds for college and education, suicide prevention, youth fitness, residential treatment, needy friends and family members of the participants, after-care support, or several different treatment programs.

By standing alongside Youth Champions Charity, members of the community can help young people like Chris. They can become a reminder that, even in lives strewn with depression or other mental illnesses, there is always hope. To learn more or make a donation, visit their website.


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